Ms. Olaya
Student Support Psychologist
Administration Building
Confidential Hotline
In an effort to provide a safe environment for students to report destructive behavior including bullying, harassment, vandalism or theft at Fountain Valley High School, we are providing a safe way for students to provide information that advocates for themselves, others and Fountain Valley High School.
We will keep those with the courage to report confidential and anonymous.

Food Insecurity?
Let the Baron Food Pantry Help
Barons care for and help each other. The Baron Food Pantry is a continuous food source for our campus families. We provide non-perishable food on a weekly or on an as needed basis. All Baron families are welcome. Click here if you would like more information or to sign up.
Get the Support you Need
to Get Through the Day
National Suicide Prevention Hotline (800) 273-TALK (8256)
National Suicide Hotline (800) 784-2433
California Youth Crisis Line (800) 843-5200
Action - 24 Hr. Counseling Helpline (800) FOR TEENS (367-8336)
Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline (800) 957-2737
National Runaway Switchboard (800) RUNAWAY (786-2929)
National Human Trafficking Hotline (888) 373-7888
Behavior Health Info and Referrals (855) OC-LINKS (625-4657)
TREVOR Lifeline: LGBTQ yourth-focus (866) 488-7386
For more help dial 2-1-1